Sunday, November 6, 2011

C is for Catwoman

It's no secret that I'm a pretty nerdy guy and one of the nerdy things I like are comics. Bear in mind I don't read them any longer, I'm sort of sick of
how the industry works now-a-days. So, like many interests I have I tend to read about comics rather than actually read them (weird, I know).

One of my favorite comic book characters off all time is Catwoman. Over the years she's made a transition from villain to anti-hero. Yet, she still remains a one of the most iconic and universally recognized characters from comic books. No doubt, in part thanks to the likes of this lady:

Yes, that is Julie Newmar as Catwoman in the wonderfully over the top an chintzy TV show (we've all watched it at one time or another). Although, my love for the character is more from the comics, no doubt Ms Newmar's portrayal of the character shapes how many view Catwoman.

I'll close out this post with another favorite comic cover from the Catwoman series that ran recently before the DC Universe reboot. Both covers (first and last images in the post) are done by Adam Hughes, an amazing artist who obviously loves to draw women (Google Image Search is name and you'll see what I mean). It's also neat to note that Hughes used Audrey Hepburn as the inpiration for this Catwoman's face. On other covers, it's very, very apparent.

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